This is so ugly! It's basically an old, metal industrial loading ramp. The litle black dog hates to walk on it because her little toes get caught in the grate. And can you imagine trying to walk on it in high heels?!
These stairs have a tread that would fit a munchkin - they are tiny and useless. Also, no one really wants to gaze at the beautiful air conditioning unit as they come into the back entrance of the store, now do they?!
Amazing, huh?! Stefan Vickery, of Vickery Construction, and his guys did this. They did most of the work on the store and they are great!
I have a pretty little railing, and room for the A/C to breathe. I can even stand over it and pretend I'm Marilyn Monroe! That would make a great photo shoot!
Here's another view.
And another view.
And nice new, wide stairs for normal sized feet!
Then I painted it chocolate brown. That's right, I painted it. By hand. With a Brush. It took a long time. But doesn't it look good?!
The little black dog is so thankful we have a nice deck for her to walk on now. Here she is sitting in the sun, watching all the nice people go into The Oyster Bar for lunch and smelling the yummy smells. I'm very happy with my deck, folks!