
Birthday Gifts

I've read a lot of books over the years.  I love to read.  Somehow, though, Anne of Green Gables passed me by - I don't know how.  But after watching Anne With An E on Netflix, this complete set ended up on my list of birthday gifts - yay!  So, I'll just read up to the point where the series stopped so I don't have media confusion.

And, of course, I've been watching The Handmaid's Tale on Hulu, so that book is now on my nightstand.  That may seem weird to be reading these at the same time, but really not, since they are both about women and their ongoing issues.

So, of course you need Nina to sing about it.  Still waiting on this to arrive - can't wait!



Skittles.  Little pieces of delight!  As I sit here writing this, my mouth waters at the memory of the little sweet and sour colorful wonders.   There are so many pictures like these two of me caught with bags of skittles and coffee and a sheepish look on my face.  Not a proud moment for someone who really tries to eat healthy food.

The glowing-eyed monster next to me is my little black girl dog, otherwise known as THE BEST LITTLE GIRL DOG IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD.  I am proud to say that I have not eaten a skittle in at least a year.  It's a miracle!