

We found this sweet little boy cowering under a bush as we were coming home from a walk in our neighborhood.  He was cold, wet, and so scared.  It took a long time for me to coax him out from the bushes, but I finally got him to come with us and back to our house.  He scampered under my garden bench and would not come out - not even for treats!

Eventually, he got hungry enough and poked his head out enough to eat.  We named him Billy.

I kept on sweet-talking him and he finally made it to the door!  We kept him for several weeks, but our little black dog was just having none of that.  She is just not tolerant of other dogs in her house.

This is Billy's "adoption" picture, which meant, of course, that he was adopted immediately!  Isn't he adorable?!  He is now happily ensconsed with a family in Connecticut and they named him Buster. 
 Who's a good boy - Billy/Buster's a good boy!